I am an Ussher Assitant Professor in Media Signal Processing at the Sigmedia group of the department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering at Trinity College Dublin, and part of the ADAPT Research Centre. I have also created a spin-out company called PixelPuffin which develops signal processing tools for the media post-production industry.Research
My research is concerned with media signal processing applications related to film postproduction and film restoration. The aim of my research is to develop tools that can enhance the cinematic experience of immersion.
You can follow me on:Contact
email: pitief@tcd.ie
phone: (+353) 1896 2254
address: Room 01-004, Stack B, Trinity College Dublin (see Google Maps)
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Blog Entries
- Alternative Matting Laplacian (Theory) - June 7, 2016
- Alternative Matting Laplacian - June 3, 2016
- From Within From without - May 27, 2016
- FFMPEG commands for uploading 360 videos with spatial audio to YouTube - May 5, 2016
- Trinity 360 - April 19, 2016
- ADAPT SFI Centre - RTÉ news - January 13, 2016
- Fun with stereo3D feedback - December 10, 2015
- Colour Transfer code on GitHub - October 8, 2015
- iDuet - Steve Woods - September 13, 2014