Colour Transfer

original, target palette and after transfer.
original, target palette and after transfer.

Colour Transfer is the process of matching colours between different images. How can we find a colour transformation that matches the grade of another image?

  • N-Dimensional Probability Density Function Transfer and its Application to Colour Transfer. F. Pitie , A. Kokaram and R. Dahyot (2005) In International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV’05). Beijing, October.
  • Towards Automated Colour Grading. F. Pitié , A. Kokaram and R. Dahyot (2005) In European Conference on Visual Media Production. London, November.
  • Automated colour grading using colour distribution transfer. F. Pitie , A. Kokaram and R. Dahyot (2007) Computer Vision and Image Understanding.
  • The linear Monge-Kantorovitch linear colour mapping for example-based colour transfer. F. Pitié and A. Kokaram (2007) In European Conference on Visual Media Production. London, November.
  • Enhancement of Digital Photographs Using Color Transfer Techniques. F. Pitié, A. Kokaram and R. Dahyot (2008). Single-Sensor Imaging. Sep 2008, 295 -321


Reference MATLAB code for the algorithms can be found on this GitHub Page.

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